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DX Mig33 Multi ID's Creator

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Here is another software from www.dx-community.com , it's a very small and user friendly software and will be very handy for many user's ;)

Now you can create 100 MIG33 id's at a time with this small software !


Write the format of your id in the textbox , example: abcd_-_ and write the number's of id's you want to create in the box next to it. (NOTE: max 100 id's can be created at a time with this software.)

The output will be like this : abcd_-_0 , abcd_-_1 , abcd_-_2 ........ so on


" # " = This sign is usually use for number's :D so this is the place to write the phone number followed by + and the country code along with a valid phone number.

Download DX Mig33 Multi ID's Creator

1 komentar:
b0im87 said...
June 16, 2009 at 11:43 PM  


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