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MCC Z3 v3.01 By The Vortex Way

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Vortex Wrote:
Migpro Command Center (MCC for short) was born from the discussion in hibarufamily forum. I remember clearly in one of the topic, I and Muzamilsumra discussed about migpro. At a later time then, he released his first software for mig33 multi-kicking titled Migpro Expert Public. 3 days later, on February 19th 2008, I did the same by releasing my own, titled Migpro Command Center. Actually, both of those softwares are only a "controller" for controlling migpro application created by motion/madness (or whatever his name is), which was famous at that time for doing some activity in mig33 with high speed capability, such as Enter and Leave chatroom. But actually only very few people used migpro for kicking since the migpro itself was not so comfortable to use, as the configuration setting file must be written manually. And it was a pain in the ass if it's used for multikicking since many files must be written. Then Migpro Expert Public and MCC came as an aswer.

MCC Z3 v3.01 By The Vortex Way

They simplified the way to write many configuration setting files at one time. What made the diffrence between MCC and Migpro Expert Public (known as Migpro Expert in its later version) or oher similiar softwares which released after, was the used of many migpros for 1 single ID. This method made the kicking permormed faster. But this was not a new thing, since it was used before in multi-kicking using Java Emulator. This method was known as "Back Room Multi-kicking" (I don't know who created this term nor the method). And up to now, this method is stil widely used in many multi-kicking softwares.

Although MCC was born on hibarufamily forum, but then the discussion for improving upcoming version was likely happened on the freezer forum. I received many improving comments and suggestions from the discussion here. And after some versions released, the most revolutionary one (at least by the comment of some users) was the v2.00. I discovered many things to boost the migpro and implemented them together on this version.

In its journey, MCC received many pros and contras response. Those who liked kicking found something new for "playing games". And those who disliked, considered MCC as a "criminal thing", "illegal thing" or else in mig33. That's fair enough since everything must have a pro and contra side. That's not the interesting matter, just leave it behind. The most interesting one is, "what is mig33 response for MCC and other multi-kicking softwares?". Well, probably this sentence can describe: "Malu-malu kuciang".

Up to now, many softwares created to control migpro. Some of them are commercial ones. Migpro is an open-source software, of which its source code is distributed freely. Obviously, selling an open-source is not tolerated in anywhere and anyhow, unless and if only the original creator stated so. But that's only something which lead to how people appreciate someone's work and universal agreement, whether stated or not. Or, maybe or, is there "something" behind migpro's story? I don't want to make any speculation, just figure it out yourself!

Well, that's just a short story about MCC to remember, since this v3.01 is the last one from me, and no more upcoming version will be created.
Happy (or unhappy) kicking!

Download MCC Z3 v3.01 By The Vortex Way

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