Yahoo Messenger Mutli Session
If you need to open several sessions of Yahoo Messenger to use at the same time, they can follow easy steps to modifying a small part of the record, it will use all instances of this messaging service they wish.
Yahoo Messenger
1 - Go to Start -> Run
2 - Type "regedit" (without the quotes) and give enter.
3 - It will open the Windows Registry editing. There must expand the item called HKEY_CURRENT_USER
4 - Of the new items that are expanding, we need to find "Software" and expand it also
5 - In this new branch, we look for "Yahoo", and expand it again.
6 - One more: Yahoo looking into "Pager" and expanded.
7 - And now in the pager, we look for the item "Test".
8 - When we test, we must right-click on the right pane and select "New" and then "New Value" (may be labeled differently depending on your system, for example, "New String Value." There we were given the option to appoint this new parameter, and you'll "Plural" (again without the quotes).
9 - The new item created, and we double-click where it says "Value", enter 0.
10 - Done! That told him that Windows does not limit the number of Y! Messengers to open meetings and at the same time. Now open all the bodies they want.
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